Monday, July 02, 2007

Miscellaneous Monday

Mom's on vacation, so you'd think she'd be on the ball enough to post to the blog on time. But N-o-o-o. Don't ask me what she was so busy doing.


Oh yeah.

Oops. Mr Karate came over for dinner and they did some stuff together. He checked out the blog, told Mom the 4th of July quilts looked nice. Then she showed him the quilts themselves and he said, "OH MY GOD MOM, these are SO MUCH more beautiful in real life."

Well like, duh.

Anyway, here are a few things I have been meaning to show you.

Remember Maddie, who likes sleeping on her dad's laptop? She inspired the laptop quilts? I told you I would post a picture of Maddie on her laptop quilt on the laptop. Well, here she is:

And remember how I said that Mr Karate had got himself tatted? And there was a request to see said tat? Well, here it is:

It must be my lucky day. Because this morning I was visiting blogs, and I was the 20,000th visitor on Daisy Mae Maus' blog! So I am a winner! Whee!

But I never meant for Monty Q to hurt himself trying to take that silly red shirt off. He asked how he could impress me with that shirt on. I told him to take it off. I don't know how it happened, but he fainted and hit his head. Oh dear.

Still, the cat who made my weekend was Beezer. Read his comment on this post. Mom practically busted something she was laughing so hard. She was squeaking like a mouse.

I promise nobody will ever mistake ME for a mouse.

I am -so- glad I'm a cat.


  1. I love the laptop quilt! The Tall Man would never let us sleep on his keyboard though. That tat is really really cool!! The Lap Lady wants a little tat of a kitty somewhere but can't get up the nerve.


  2. Anonymous5:56 PM

    we love Beezer's comment! and we love your new holiday quilts - they're beautiful. our beds with our quilts in them get moved next to where the Lady sleeps for the night and then during the day they go to in front of the patio door. every time the Lady picks them up, she thinks about how beautiful the quilts are. we're gonna go see what happened to poor Monty now...

  3. those new quilts are fery perty, millie. we think laptop quilts are a grate idea, too. is mr. karates tattoo mean sumfin special to him? ars mommees says it is a nice design. she luvs sim-et-tra-cul stuff wif different shapes.

    yuki & kimiko

  4. Your momma has been furry busy gettin' all sorts of stuff accomplished. You can't rush art, Millie ... You've gotta sit back and enjoy the process.

    I'm furry happy that you were the winner of our 20000th visitor contest! Your neat-o prize will come next week! Yea!

    Mom said, "Cool tat. It's like hearts an' a spider web, too." Does it have a special meaning?

    The laptop quilt is especially neat. Small, functional, and artistic all at the same time.


  5. You have to join up with George of The Crew and have an exhibition of your art. Mum loved the review by Beezer.

    Mum makes sure the laptop is closed so I can't lay on the keyboard. But I can still sit on top of it.

  6. I read that commment and I loved it! Great stuff!!
