Saturday, May 26, 2007

A True Cat Loving Bean

This is Maddie's quilt. Maddie lives in Washington state.

This is Maddie sleeping on her Gizzy quilt. But when she isn't sleeping on the quilt, where else does Maddie like to sleep?

Why, on her bean dad's beautiful laptop, of course. It's a good warm place to sleep. But I know that Mom is always picking cat hair out of the keyboard of her laptop, and neither Jasmine nor I sleep on it. You can imagine how much fur gets in the keyboard of Maddie's laptop.

Of course, Maddie's bean dad could simply shoo Maddie away from the laptop, but he is a very nice bean dad, and he loves Maddie a lot, and he doesn't want to shoo Maddie away, but he doesn't want all her fur in his laptop keyboard.

So what does he do?

He asks Mom to make a cute little laptop quilt, just the size as the laptop. In purple, since purple is Maddie's special favorite color.

And what does Mom do?

She makes it. Here it is, all 10-1/2" x 16-1/4" of it.

And here is the back.

There is something I can't work out. Which of these beans is weirder? Maddie's Dad for wanting a tiny quilt for his laptop; or Mom, for making it? Or your bean, because Mom says if you want one, email me at darlingmillie AT gmail DOT com.

Once again, I am so glad I am a cat.

(Once this tiny quilt flies all the way across the United States of Americat, and we get a picture of Maddie on her laptop quilt on her dad's laptop, we will post it. I can't wait.)

Update, 3:15 PM --
Mom just made a laptop quilt for her own laptop. It isn't as big as Maddie's because Mom has a tiny little laptop, so the quilt is 9" x 12-3/4". Mom says laptop quilts -- unless they are a lot bigger than Maddie's will cost about $12 plus shipping to any cat or bean who wants one.

(You can click the pictures to biggify.)


  1. Omigoodness ... A laptop cat with a laptop quilt. Such is the power of Gizzy.

    Buon weekend!

  2. Anonymous1:32 AM

    That's BRILLIANT!! We wants one too, H loves seepin on the Momma's laptops, but they doan like it! (Hrmph!)
    The Feline Sextet

  3. Wowy! What a great could make keyboard quilts too! Our gizzy quilt was featured in our blog today!

  4. A gizzy quilt has to be the most special thing in the whole wide world! Maybe someday when I have been a real good canopenerbean might buy me one too?
    I like to vist here with you and see them all as you are quality controling them.
    Love Miss Peach <><

  5. Wow, that is very cool! :) What a wonderful idea - a laptop quilt! :)

    Although I don't have any fur, my mom shoos me off the laptop whenever I try to sit on it. I think that's because she's usually trying to work on it when I go to sit on it however! :D

    Maddie's purple full-cat-sized quilt is very beautiful. :)

  6. Ummmmm, we are all nuts, 'cause Mommy wants one too! So Millie, tell your Mommy to get creative and add it to our regular quilt and let us know how many green papers. Having a laptop quilt will make all of us happy since Mommy is always having to pick the furs out of her laptop!

  7. Does your Momlady make BabyBean sized quilts?

  8. for you, Monty, anything.

    Well... almost!

  9. Wow, a laptop quilt! That is very neat-o. I am Not Allowed on the laptop. But sometimes I step on the keys, anyway!

  10. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Millie, no-bean is weird - it is perfectly normal to want a quilt or a mini quilt and also wonderfully normal of your mum to make them. I just love Maddie's quilt - such beautiful colours.

  11. We don't sit on da laptop, we sit in mom's lap and type. Da beans dat want a laptop kwilt aren't weerd fur dat and yoor mom izen't weerd fur making dem. I'm telling yoo beans is just weerd in general.

  12. Anonymous6:27 PM

    And maybe not just laptop quilts but even keyboard quilts too? I know my furz get down between the keys and it's very hard to get rid of. That quilt for your mum's laptop is very pretty, Millie.

  13. What a great idea Millie. Mum always closes the laptop when she is away. So I can't lay on the keyboard.

  14. That's a really great solution. Fortunately we don't like the laptop until Mommy or Daddy is trying to use it.

  15. Hi Millie! Thanks for the visit! Your mom is so talented! I love the quilty she made for herself. Stunning colors.
    Soft head butts to you on your cute black chin>(^,^)<
