Friday, May 25, 2007

Formerly Feral Friday

When Mom gets home after her day hunting, I make sure she gives me scritches. I jump on the counter, or the table or anyplace high up, look right at her an MEOW to get her attention. I want my scritches on the back of my head, on my cheeks and a bit under my chin.

I love scritches. I purr like crazy when she does it. I know I said once that I would NEVER let her pet me. (See here!)

I changed my mind.

So what.


  1. Remember, we are feline. We have the right to do anything, including changing our furry little minds!

  2. Oh, scritches are the best. Although I like having my tummy rubbed also. Which you might not be so keen on.

  3. purring is good, I like to dribble a bit too. FAZ

  4. We glad you finally letting your mum scritch you. I like to get my cuddles in the morning before mum goes to work.

    Thanks for visiting our new blog - we glad you made us start.

    Poppy Q

  5. MomBean says a lady can change her mind whenevershe wants. (Just not about me, though, I hope!)

  6. purring is good, skritches is better, so what if you changed your mind - you was young, and when you is young, sometimes you doesn't know what you will like when you is older

  7. It's furry good to change yoor mind, we do it alla time. We'z glad yoo are enjoying yoor skritches.

  8. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Oh Millie you look furry happy in that pikchur. We loves it to be petted and we purr really loud, especially Lucy. We are glad you changed your mind and the petting.

  9. Scritches are great. :) I'm glad you changed your mind about being pet, Millie. Being pet is wonderful! Besides, we are cats, we are allowed to change our minds whenever we want. :)

  10. Millie

    I am glad you changed your mind. I had to do the same thing when I first came to live with my Momma. I was for sure NOT gonna like her. But, she wore me down and then one day I found I REALLY LOVED her and I claimed her for my very own. Now no one can come near her when I am around.


  11. Millie, scritches are good! I can tell from your photo how much you like being petted now. It is a lady's right to change her mind.

  12. You're a cat. You can change yur mind any time you like. But I'd nefur decide I don like skritches.

  13. I'm glad you discovered how great scritches can be!

    We got our Gizzy quilt, but Mom won't let me open it. She says it would make a sweet gift from me to my little brother. Well, if so, I need to put my smells on it, don't I?

    I loved reading about the quilts, interesting facts!


  14. Looks like you are realy enjoying those scritches pretty girl.

  15. It's good to be open to all things...even skritches!

  16. Caesar droooooools when he gets scritches. He purrrs like mad and drools.
    When I get scritches, I purr a little and then I leave abruptly.

    Have a happy week-end
    Purrrrs Prinnie

  17. Oh yes, head scritches are THE best

  18. There's nothing wrong with changing your mind. It's our perogative!

  19. A girl kittie is entitled to change her mind. I wouldn't let mum rub my tummy when I first got here. But I do now.

  20. Oh, Millie ...
    This is such progress. I was worried that you were gonna miss out on all the wonderful things that bean fingers can do. Ear and melon massages are the BEST ... I find that I do my best purrin' when Mom goes for my collar bone. Try it!

  21. You look so happy being petted! It sure is the epitome of feline life!
