Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Tucker & His Amazing Technicolor Flying Quilt

Tucker sent us a picture of him and his quilt. He named the it the Amazing Technicolor Flying Quilt. Isn't he handsome? Tucker doesn't have a blog of his own, so we agreed to post this picture for him.

Mom says she'll still make the kitty quilts. She loves doing them, and the extra income is nice too. If you are interested you can email me at: darlingmillie AT gmail DOT com. Mom says she has to put a button on the sidebar, you know, like someday. Annie, if you want a people sized quilt... you gotta send us an email.
You can click the picture to biggify.


  1. Wow, that is a gorgeous quilt. And doesn't he look great on it.

    Glad you are going to keep making kitty quilts. They are just too neat.

    How is Gizzy doing?

  2. Hi Tucker - love your quilt. FAZ

  3. Purple looks beautiful with Tucker's black furs!

  4. Tucker looks great on his quilt. I love the colors in it.

  5. Momma just loves this quilt, of course, purple being her fav. color, and all.


    We are thinking of Gizzy and hope everything is going OK. Mittens has not been herself for months now, tummy troubles and she is getting on in years. We won't put her through constant vet trips, it is too hard on her. She got all the blood work, etc. and they said food allergies, so she has a special diet. We make her comfy and love her. No matter what, she has had a wonderful life here in the Big Piney Woods.

    CalicoMom Toni
