Friday, March 16, 2007

this, that and the other...

Mom got home late from day hunting last night. She went out with Mr Karate for sushi. I'm profoundly jealous. I'd love some nice fresh raw tuna, yellowfin tuna, salmon, crab and shrimp. Of course, they could keep the rice, onion, avocado, mango, hot sauce, and all that other stuff. Anyway, she got home after dark, so Gizzy didn't get to out for a walk, and it's supposed to snow today.

Her computer is all wonky. It's old, and slow, and she's known for a while that she needs a new one but you know how it is. Now it works, but the stuff she really wants won't work. Her email won't work. She can't get at her favorites when she surfs. None of these would be a problem, but she says Annie Virus might not be working and that makes it a Big Deal. So she's been sticking this stick in the back of it, and then putting the stick in the laptop. Then she takes the stick out of the laptop and puts a shiny circle in a different slot and then takes that out and writes all over it. How this fixes the other computer I will never know.

Anyway, she's all pissed off about doing it.

She knows how to build a computer from scratch. She can put all the pieces together. She can install the operating system, the drivers, and all the programs. For her, it's a piece of cake. So why is she so aggravated about having to do it?

oooOOOOH! Gizzy told me why. It's 'coz that's what she does all day where she does her day hunting. So once again I am very confused. During the day she hunts broken computers?

I am so glad I'm a cat.


  1. Yup, we'z glad we iz kitties too! Dad's new puter got here yesterday so tomorrow mom hasta set it up for him. She also gots a 4in1? It'z a scanner/printer/copier/fax thingy dat she's gonna install for him too. She says she's doing a "DOD wipe" on da hard drive and giving da old one to her niece. Dat thing haz been here almost as long as Zippy, like 9 years! And mom keeps saying "I can't do IT so stop telling me about doze" to Jeff.

  2. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Millie! "Profoundly"? You're developing quite the vocabulary! What a smart girl you are!

  3. I don't blame you for being jealous of the beans getting all that good fish to eat. I don't blame your Mom for not wanting to build herself a computer after looking after computers all day at work.

  4. Ooooh, what does she hunt them wif? ~Merlin, Shadow, KO kO

  5. What's a "DOD wipe?" Mom says she's never heard that particular term, although she can imagine what it is.

    And Merlin, Shadow and KoKo... Mom really laughed a lot when she read your comment. She said it made her day.

  6. I'm glad I'm a cat too.

    The computer sounds like it is giving your mom a lot of headaches. I hope it will cooperate for her!

  7. yeah, our mommy does that too for day hunting- 'cept that no one is looking for a purrson to do that right now. POO.

  8. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Yore mum can't do email? Minemum gets withdrawl symptums iffen her email duzzent wurk. We are purrin' for it all to get fixed soon.

  9. She sounds exactly like the tall man. He does it all day long so stuff at home is not exactly what he wants to do. The LL's e-mail was down this morning and she made him fix it.


  10. Anonymous12:15 PM

    our Lady would rather build a computer from little parts than do most anything else, but she's hardly done any since she got us. dunno why not. so what if Cocoa puts the bitey on every wire that he sees and Midnight sticks her paw in every space she can, trying to dislodge anything she can play with. and, for that matter, what's wrong with me laying my big tummy right on top of anything she lays down? we're just all trying to have some quality time with her.

  11. My Momma wishes she knew more how these computers's very frustratin to her.

  12. Computers are hard.

  13. We can relate to wonky 'puters. Since we had both hardware and software issues in the past two months.
