Thursday, March 29, 2007

Tagged on Thursday

I got tagged by Junior.

Five reasons why I blog:

1. So all the wonderful cats and beans who helped Malcolm help me can know how I'm doing. (I'm doing very well!)

2. I like telling stories. I am a closet cat writer.

3. I love all the friends I have made in the cat blogosphere. So many! I have friends all over the world! I like having friends.

4. I have cats who understand when I worry about Gizzy, complain about Jasmine and just can't understand why people do some of the things they do.

5. It's a lot of fun!

I will tag: Bubbles, Daisy, Fat Eric, Jeter Harris and Grr.

I am glad I got tagged. I couldn't think of 13 things that didn't have anything to do with kitty quilts. Honestly! I have been working so hard!


  1. Anonymous5:57 PM

    okay - I'll do it!
    we've still gotta post the pictures that show more quilt and less us too. and plus, we'll post 'em on the quilt blog. Cocoa and I have been sleeping on our quilts (which the Lady put over our cat cups) instead of on the people. the people are really missing us and starting to think about putting the quilts on the people beds to lure us back.

  2. We haf kwilts, and dey iz furry nice, and beyootiful, and comfy! Speedy sez dat yoor only suppose to do things dat yoo think are fun or nice so dat iz a good reezon to blog.

  3. deer millie,
    thank u fer taggin me. i will post mi reezinz tonite.
    luv--yer frend--jh

  4. It is lots of fun! I'm so furry glad I met you!

  5. Those are all great reasons to blog. :) I love the fact that I've made lots of new friends and it is lots of fun! :)

  6. Wonderful reasons! And I bet all those that helped Malcolm love keeping up with what is happening with you.

  7. oh Millie, those is great reasons! We is so glad that we helped Malcolm, 'acause you haf turned out to be a really good furriend!
