Friday, March 30, 2007

Frisky Friday -or- In The Doghouse

Mom says I'm in the doghouse, but I don't see any doghouse, and there sure isn't any dog around here.

It all started after dinner when I was in a hissing match with Jasmine. I was winning, but Jasmine took it personally and came after me, swatting my tail and butt. I wasn't about to let her get away with it, so I gave it right back. Feeling frisky, I asked Gizzy if he wanted to play. He wasn't particularly interested, but I knew that if I started, he'd go along.

So we started roughhousing, but Mom saw us. She claims I was on Gizzy's back, trying to bite his ears. I don't know what she's talking about, I wouldn't do that to Gizzy.

Anyway, she went away, and Gizzy and I continued having fun. Next thing I know I was getting wet. I don't know where the inside rain came from, but it got right in my face. I must have lost consciousness, because I totally lost my memory of what was going on. I ran into the sewing room, but she was right behind me.

She closed the door, and LOCKED ME IN with her! She worked on a red quilt, and then a purple one. She never looked at me or even talked to me. I recovered my memory by hiding under the bureau. (It's getting to be tougher to crawl under there now though.)

After a terribly long time (I think it was after CSI ended) she left, but kept me stuck in the room. When she came back, I slipped out of the room. When I went back to see what was going on, JASMINE was in the sewing room, resting on one of the quilts on the worktable. Mom was petting her.

Jasmine was smirking.


well... I think I found the doghouse.


  1. oh you poor fing, but you have to realize, you can not be rough wif Gizzy right now. at least it is warm in your doghouse.

  2. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Millie!! You are a little scamp. You have to be more gentle with those senior kitties. But, you are so cute!!

    Ninja & Brenda

  3. Doghouse? Isn't that for dogs? Do be careful with the geezers.....they are kinda frail.

  4. I use that same exact move on Chase!! But I can understand your mom wanting you to leave Gizzy alone. Sorry about the doghouse!


  5. I think Jasmine might have started it, so it is not really your fault after all. Playing rough is fun.

  6. KC said...

    O, Millie, i's so sorry bout tha doghouse. i's tha same way wif Bear, cause hers is so old. But she starts it, she tags me or she pounces 'n i's haf to do sumfing. Right. But if'n i's do sumfing, i usually get locked in a room too. Guess that's tha doghouse here.

    So tha seniors haf a whole different set of rulez, don't they.


  7. Oh Millie. I hope you don't have to be in the doghouse for a long time. You have so much more energy than the senior cats. Don't play rough.

  8. Millie ... It sounds like Jasmine set you up.

  9. Yoo know, dat brot back memories. Old Punkin used to start a fite and den yell and I'd get in trubbul! Kay, so I did bite her ears or her butt, well, I gess dat wuz meen. Maybe yoo shoodent play so ruff after all. Gizzy is old and kinda sickly. Maybe yoo shood find a stuffed aminal to beat up.

  10. Aw, maybe you can let your Bean touch your belly and you can get out of the Woofhouse?

  11. Nobody touches my belly. Nobody touches my feet. Nobody picks me up.

    I'm just not that kind of cat.

  12. Millie, you're still little and you haf lots of energy. sometimes it's harder for the geezers to play wif you. I'm shur you mommy wasn't really that mad. sometimes they like to 'atend they is mad.

  13. Oh no, Mom was MAD!
