Friday, January 12, 2007

Formerly Feral Friday

I have decided I am not feral anymore. Going to the v-e-t has made me realize that I am very special. Not that the v-e-t was a bad place. It was a good place, full of people who really care about animals. But it was coming HOME, to find the Lady had made a special place for me that made me realize how lucky I am. She had made a nice place for me to rest. She had made sure I had several nice warm, soft places to nap. I had fresh beef stinky goodness, nice fresh water, a litter box to myself and the nice warm cat hammock. And she made sure nocat would bother me while I rested and got better.

The Lady isn't just a lady. She was like a mom. I have a Mom! I have a Lady Mom! If you're feral, you don't have a Lady Mom.


SO! You wanna see my tummy? You know you do!
Lady Mom is laughing because I hardly -ever- show my tummy long enough for her to take a picture of it. But here it is, my famous tummy, shaved, with stitches showing!

And here's a close-up! You can click to biggify!


  1. I'm glad you're feeling better now! You sure look like you're feeling a little feisty - nice photos!

  2. Nice photos - I hope your stitches heal up soon! Your Lady Mom sounds like a great mom - she takes good care of you!

  3. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Mmmm....belly soft and scratchable.

    Sorry! Was distracted there for a moment, I miss my old kitty. I'm glad you're up and about again Millie!


  4. I am so glad to hear that you have a foreber home, and that you are so bery well cared for and loved. Stay on the road to recovery, it is a short road.

  5. Yes, Millie, you are Formerly Feral.

    You could not have asked for a better Mommie than the Lady who choose you out of all the kitties out there that needed homes.

  6. Oh just look at that tummy! So soft. Our Mom whats to scratch it! We are glad you are feeling better.

    We are so glad you have accepted the Lady as your Mom. You are going to love haveing a Mom.

  7. Aww! I'm glad you've decided your now "Formerly Feral". Your mom sounds really special. I remember my tummy sutures...I tried to eat them so I got a cone.


  8. Hah, yoor a formerly feral. I knew yoo wood find dat da lady wuz yoor mom. I fink getting hitted by a car, as horribul as it wuz, wuz probably the best thing to happen to yoo. Now yoo haf a furever home and a mommy who luvs yoo. YAY!

  9. Millie, thanks for showing us your tummy! I hope the ouchie gets better soon.

  10. you sure have a nice pink belly under all that fur. FAZ

  11. Youze a tuxie like me!! Fanks 4 leveing comint on my blog Millie. Wow! A titan leg!! That's bery speshal. I is so glad u haf a 4efer home now.


  12. Hi Millie.
    Tanks for coming to bisit at my Blog.
    I'm meeting lotsa new friends! Mums gonna hab to gib me lots more comp time now so I can add ebeybuddys links an stuff.
    I red a few of yor blog entrys here an it sounds like you gotsa berry speshul Mum/Lady!
    Bye fer now!

  13. Good to hear you're feeling better! Now maybe you'll show off your tummy more!

  14. Anonymous5:25 PM

    that picshure wif yur hed upside down is most 'specially cute an ya gots lotsa fluff on yur tummy (well, 'cept fur ware they shaved it off). bet it's furry soft. maybe you'll let the Lady Mom pet it sumtime.

  15. Missy Millie it is so good that The Lady is now The Mom. Mum's are special and I am glad that you accepted her.

    Your little tummy doesn't look like they did very much.

    Get fully recovered soon! Purrs

  16. Home is where the heart is Millie, and both your heart & the Lady's are there.

  17. Hi Millie! I'm waggin' my tail in anticipation of pettin' your furry cute tummy! I don't know how I feel about those stitches, but the tummy is ... amazing.
    Shadow Saluki

  18. Anonymous8:38 PM

    That's a tiny incision! It looks very clean too!

    Glad to see you feeling better - nice tummy by the way!!

  19. Anonymous1:00 AM

    I'm glad that you have decided that the Lady is now the Lady Mom. You look like you are almost feeling yourself again. I'm glad you got the dissolving stitches so that you won't have to go to the v-e-t again anytime soon.

  20. o, Millie, u's looks so good. i's glad u likes ur's furrever home so much.

    'n look how little ur's scar is... mine was all up 'n across my bellie. i's so glad u hafn't had any problems.

    'n don't furget tha Millie Wheel in England... hee hee hee, we hads fun on Noo Yearz, didn't we.

  21. Hahahaha! Your tummy looks just like mine did when I had my girl operation, 'cept mine is grey & white and yours is black & white!

    Your friend
    Misty E

  22. Yoo's looking grate Millie. We's furry glad yer oppy rayshun went well. An it's good that yoo told yer lady dat she's yer mum now.
