Thursday, January 11, 2007

Feeling a lot spunkier!

Hello everybody!

Thank you so much for all your get well wishes and thoughts. After the Lady left me in my own room this morning, I gobbled up all the wonderful beef stinky goodness she had left for me. The folks at the v-e-t had told her to only give me "a little," so she did, and by the time she came home after day hunting, I was HUNGRY! I could hear her getting the big cats' food ready, so I let out a big Meow and she came right over and let me out. She gave me my crunchies, but didn't put them on the counter. I'm not so sure I feel like jumping that high anyway.

Gizzy hissed at me. He thinks I smell funny. I am sure I do, but I know that will go away. I have special stitches that will dissolve on their own, so I don't have to go back to the v-e-t until next summer, almost at my one year gotcha-versary.

I think Jasmine was a little disappointed that I came back. I am sure she would have been very happy never to see me again. Oh well.

I am -so- happy to be home.

--the Lady here,

The folks at the vet said Millie was not a problem at all. They said "we could tell she is accustomed to being handled, not like a true feral." Which surprised me a lot. "She didn't like it, but she put up with it," the attendant continued. They trimmed her claws, but didn't weigh her. They think she weighs about 7 pounds, and that she's "a good size," which I take to mean neither too heavy nor too thin. The attendant also said that Millie's dislike of anyone touching her belly or feet is quite common in cats, even domesticated ones, and not any kind of "feral" indicator.

At any rate, she's just finished her entire bowl of crunchies and I am sure she will be trolling for more food later. Her activity seems quite normal, not lethargic at all. I, too, am very glad she's home.


  1. sweet darling millie, we are so furry glad to know you are back home, and mending up. we hopes that will be a short and sweet process!! we think so furry much of you!!

    an' remember: tell the Lady RIGHT AWAY if it starts to hurt bad where you are shaved, and get right in her face to do it!

  2. Don't you worry. The Lady is planning on paying CLOSE attention to me. In fact, she's not going hunting tomorrow (but I think that is just a co-incidence)

  3. Sounds like you had a successful trip to the VET. Rest up and get better.

    To the Lady. You might consider feeding Millie from time to time in the carrier. Just so she does get used to it but without being taken some place!

  4. Derby, I think that's a good idea, but for another reason. I think giving her food in the carrier can give her something positive to associate with the carrier.

  5. I don't like anyone touching my tummy, either. It's too close to that which they had removed...

    I'm glad you're home and feeling spiffy, Millie!

  6. We always hiss at each other when one of us comes home from the v-e-t. Glad your appetite is back! Those are pretty dishes you have there.

  7. Anonymous10:08 PM

    our Lady wuz at the jury place all day an we hazzn't been able ta be on the 'puter, but soon as we got it on (finally) we came ta check on you. we're glad yur home an doin' good.

  8. I'm furry glad that things went well for you at the V-E-T for your "operation." You'll be back to your normal activities in no time.

  9. We are very glad you are feeling better and that your operation went well.

    And Mrs. B will take my hand off if I touch her tummy, so Millie is not alone in that department.

  10. Millie, you came through like a little trooper, bless your heart.

    And Missy still will not allow me or anyone to touch her tummy, although she teases us with it, all the time.

    I am glad your Mommie will be home with you tomorrow, just to keep an eye on you. And like the Meowers said, if it feels even the least bit strange, you tell your Lady right away.

  11. Glad you are eating and feeling better, the V-E-T smell will go away pretty soon, so don't let the hissing bother you.
