Saturday, January 27, 2007

Cold Saturday

It's 19F out (-7C). You can see how the rhododendron leaves curl up when it is cold. About two weeks ago they were covered in ice, as you can see here, but the leaves were still flat. Yesterday, when it was 1F (-17C) they were curled up a lot tighter, but Mom didn't get a picture.

So I am playing where it is cozy and warm. Here I am on the Lady's nice chair (which she covers up so we won't scratch) with my favorite mousie.

This is a new toy her Allergic Sister gave me. It is PINK (giggle) and it just sits quietly until something touches it. Then its green eyes start flashing and it moves around. It talks, too! It says "Oh oh! Nanny nanny noo noo! Oh oh! Nanny nanny noo noo!" Then it stops and waits to be touched again. It's kinda silly. It's also kinda stupid, because it doesn't work very well on the carpet.

Mom's tired, and trying to clean up around here. She brought a big load of laundry downstairs to the washing monsters and that means there's gonna be some nice warm places to nap later! Tomorrow she says she's gonna go see the Queen. Yeah, right.


  1. I like your IKEA cushion, we have seen them. My scratchy mouse came from IKEA.
    It looks furry cold where you are, I am glad it is not furry cold here and our snow has gone. That flashing mouse thing is a bit like the duck Uncle Sim sent us that flashes all different colours, I am freaked out by it.
    My mum and dad went to see "The Queen" and they really liked it, they did say that there are lots of in-jokes in it about recent British politics that probably only Brits would get all the references. But it is a good film anyway.

  2. Oh it is very cold. Brrrrr. You look very beautiful on your chair with your mousie. It looks like you have killed that poor mousie plenty.

  3. Anonymous5:36 PM

    I think I'd like that pink mousie thing, but I bet Grr and Cocoa would be scared of it.

  4. I your pinky mouse would be fun on the kitchen floor!

  5. I am not sure if the pink mouse would be fun, or if I would be scairt of it since it has laser-beam eyes. I hope you stay nice and warm.

  6. I had a mousie that was blue like yours. I didn't like it either. It had to stay in the kitchen so it would work. Then it would move anytime mum made noise in the kitchen, and that drove her crazy.

  7. Yur fur is so beyoutiful and white!!! Very nice pikshur. Stay warm, it sounds bery cold wer u are.

    Luf, Us

  8. Boy, that picture sure makes things look cold. It got down to 19 at night here too and that's really unusual for California, even Northern Calif. It's been mostly in the high twenties for the lows. lately. The highs go up to the fifties and it's warmer in the afternoons so we can go outside for awhile. Doesn't look like the highs get very high where you are. Mom has been wanting it to snow but there has been no moisture at all. Cleo loves your pink mousie. You sure do look comfy on the chair


  9. Hi Millie, we missed yoo. We hazent been getting around much cuz mom's been furry busy. Glad yoor mom lady's home now and brot yoo pressies.
