Thursday, August 24, 2006

Gizzy and Jasmine get it too!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

This morning the Lady picked up Gizzy and did to his claws what she did to mine last night. Guess what? He sat in her lap and let her do it! He didn't even move! He let her trim ALL his claws. Then she put him down, and got Jasmine and did the same thing to her! She, at least, had the decency to let the Lady know she didn't like it. But neither of them scratched the Lady and they are both way bigger than me!

Oh, and last night before bed, the lady caught me and we stood on the number box together in the litterbox room. Then she put me down and got on again by herself.

"You weigh 4-1/2 pounds Millie!"

Yeah, so? Who cares what I weigh? She gets on that thing every morning. I just don't understand this fascination about weight.


  1. you're getting to be a big girl Millie. Sammy loves to have his nails clipped too, like Gizzy. - Miles

  2. Wow Millie

    I is bigger than you. I am 5 1/2 pounds!

    Keep growing lil one!


  3. Hey, Millie,
    I's littler than you is, I's weigh 2 pounds 1 ounce, whever that made my Mommy ML and Daddy Charley real happy though...KC...
    PS: I'll be 8 weeks old on Sunday!

  4. Mom has to clip Scouts claws when he is sleeping. He is totally oblivious to it.

  5. Wow, you're getting really big Millie. I must tell Mom to weigh me. The last time I was weighed was at the V.E.T.'s office when I was very sick. You're being good letting your Mom hold you and do your claws. My Mom has to wait until I'm half asleep to do mine!

    Misty E.

  6. Wow. You are growing really quickly. My kitties doesn't like their nails clipped either, so you are not alone.

  7. I don't understand the preoccupation with weight either. They always tell me I'm such "a big boy" or "a beastie", but I think that's all a matter of perspective personally.
