Thursday, August 24, 2006

Getting comfy with the big cats

I think I am getting it... The big cats don't mind me around as long as I don't pester them. Well my definition of pestering them and theirs is probably different, but I think I am learning the difference.

When the Lady left for the day Gizzy was sleeping comfortably on her bed, and I was close by. He didn't mind, and I liked being near him. Jasmine is another story, but the Lady says not to worry too much about her, that she's like that with everybody, not just me.

I am feeling very comfortable around both the cats and the Lady, although I still keep an eye out on her whenever she's around. I'm not eager for her to cut my claws again any time soon. Still, I prance around with my tail straight up, like I own the place. Heh, I'll let the big cats think they run the place, but I can run faster, jump higher and play harder than they do. Tonight I was having fun on the couch with my tail. And when I got a little tired, I lay down and rested my eyes for a little bit.

Yeah, I like it here.
(I didn't sit still enough tonight for the Lady to take a picture.)


  1. You should *always* keep an eye out on the People! Even when you've been there for forever. You just never know what a People is going to do, like take you to the stabby place...

  2. Wow, Stronger...faster...better...Sounds like that bionic leg is really working out for you.

    I am soooo happy you are getting scritches from the Lady. They are the best!

  3. Well, Millie I'm so proud of you. And the Lady. I think you found the bestest forever-home. It took patience and trust from both of you, and just look at you now.

  4. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Millie, you're doing so well! I'm so proud of you!

    Please tell your Lady that we're all proud of her, too. She's doing a fabulous job of letting you write your own blog (it has become my favorite), and she takes really great pictures.

    Keep up the good work!

    -- Katie

  5. wow, millie, things are really progressing well. you seem to be getting everyone trained. please let the lady take a picture of you. we would love to see what you are up to now.

  6. Hi Millie, it's yer frend Speedy. I herd from Malcolm where you were now. Sounds like u gots a nice fureffer home. good fer u. I likes yer bloggie, I still don't gots one but i'm werkin' on mommy, maybe soon.
