Wednesday, April 05, 2017

I Am Eleven!

Oh. My. Bast.

I can't believe it. Today is my birthday and I am eleven years old. Yikes! I'm almost a geezer kitty. Dunno how that happened!

I didn't even know if I would make it to one year old, because I almost went to the Bridge when I was not yet three months old. I got hit by a car and got a broken leg and then I got rescued and now I live the life of a lucky cat. I have a terrific forever home with my awesome Mom. I have not one but TWO kitty condos, sensational bird TV, more places to nap than I could ever want, and best friends all over the world.

And Mom says I changed her life. Guess that means I'm not the only lucky lady in this house!


  1. Happy birthday Millie! And I hope you have many many many more!

  2. Happy birthday, Millie! Who knew, all those years ago?

  3. Happy Birthday ,Millie..........yes, you and your Mom are both very lucky to have one another.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  4. Oh!

    Well, that certainly snuck up on me. 11 years old? Good grief.

    For starters, you don't look a day over 7. You used to me just a wee kit and, as you say, you're now staring down the barrel of being a geezer one.

    And you've still got so much you want to share on the blog.

    It's been so wonderful to grow old(er) with you Millie.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. Happy 11th Birthday Millie!
    That scary start to like led to a much happier life :)
    You look marvelous too :)
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  6. Happy Purrday Millie!!!!!!! We are so happy that you and your Mom both got lucky and found each other.

  7. Happy birthday, Millie! We are so glad you and Mom found each other. Fairy tales DO come true! :)

  8. Happy Birthday Millie!!!

    We're so happy you were rescued and have such a wonderful life with your Mom!!

    The Florida Furkids

  9. Happy Birthday Millie!!! You are a lucky girl and such a cutie.

  10. Happy birthday, Millie! We remember your story and you're right, you have been one very fortunate kitty. Have a fun birthday.

  11. Happy Birthday, you lucky girl.

  12. Happy birthday, Millie!

  13. Happy Birthday dear Millie! We're so glad you were rescued and are living the good life with your Mom. You're a lucky kitty.

    Angel Normie, Angel Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

  14. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Happy Birthday Millie! You are a beautiful lady cat and deserve to be spoiled on this special day and furever.
    Deborah and Peaches

  15. Hope you have a Happy Birthday! Wow 11! Get out on that porch and watch those birds!

  16. Happy 11th Birfday Millie. Yes, you and yer Mom are BOTH Lucky Ladies!

  17. a most happee day two ewe millie; we could all look az gorgeouz at 11 ☺☺

    hope yur dayz total lee awesum N yur yeer a head iz filled with happee nezz & health....N joy sum extree perch pizza two day ~ ♥♥

  18. Very cute picture! Thanks for sharing :)

  19. Happy Birthday, Millie! You are a very lucky kitty!

  20. Happy Purrthday Miss Millie. I wish you many, many more.

  21. Hope you have a lovely day today, Millie. And many more years of happiness with Mom.

  22. Happy Birthday from Iowa!!! Believe me.... 11 isn't too old!!!

  23. Happy Birthday Millie - and here's to many, many more to come. Take care and give your Mom a kiss from us.

  24. Happy birthday sweet girl. Miss m you are looking mighty fine for a senior.

    Julie and poppyq
