Friday, March 24, 2017


The snow is melting, but the weather has been very very cold the last few days, so it isn't melting fast enough for Mom. The temperatures should be getting back to normal soon so there's hope it will go away fast.

I am fine. Last Sunday Mom cleaned the house, and I mean CLEANED. She dragged the rug sucking monster all over the house and washed all my pillows, blankets and quilts. So I have been working diligently to recover all that stuff with my furs.

It's a tough job, but I like doing it.


  1. We wondered where you were, Millie. Yes, recovering everything would be a full time job.

  2. It may be a lot of work to refur the house, but er know you are up tp the job

  3. Oh Millie - your mom has created so much work for you to do! Good luck.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. You have quite a job in front of you, Millie - but I am sure you will succeed.

    Noela Sydney Ausralia

  5. Something about this time of year turns mum's into cleaning crazy peoples.

  6. My mom's a crazy cleaning person too. Thankfully I don't get spooked by the rug sucking monster. I could probably sleep through almost anything. Happy Sunday!!

  7. we just gotted rain today no more snows fur us although thats only cause mr weather am furry weird this year and gave us kansas cats 80 degree temps for several days... hope your snow goes away furry soon.

    -Katie Kitty Too.

  8. The snow lasts long now.
    But it will not last for long.
    The change comesquite soon...
