Saturday, February 25, 2017

Ain't Gonna Be No When When

Two weeks ago, it looked like this out behind our house.  Lots, and lots of snow.

Yesterday, after two days where the temperature went up to the mid 60's and up into the low 70's (18 to 21C), this is what is left.

It was so warm Mom opened the door to the front porch and left it open all afternoon. She had other windows open too.  In fact, it was 68F here in New Hampster, and it was 48F in the City of Angels in Catifornia.  Very, very unusual for February.

This is the front garden, seen from our front porch. Not a lot of snow.

Not that I am complaining, really, but it does mean there won't be a When When Contest this year. Mom thinks this snow will all be gone in less than a week, as the daytime temperatures will be well above freezing for the next five days.

I guess I'll have to find something else to do.


  1. All of our snow went away too. Then we got just a tiny bit last night. It will be gone in a few days.

  2. Oh no, Millie! We'll all have to find something else to do too!

    Sydney, Australia

  3. We have had a mild winter, too. It will in the upper 80's one day and two days later it will be in the low 40's. We do moss your When When contests! Hope you find something else to do!

  4. We must have sent some of our warm ( read hot!) days over to you.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  5. Oh darn. We always like playing that game.
