Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Tuxie Tuesday with Snow

We got enough snow to shovel yesterday. It was 10F when Mom got up the other day, so she didn't let me go out on the front porch. That's minus 12.22 for my pal Megan in Sydney Australia. 

Hey Megan, um, I'm out of the kangaroo treats, and I really love them. (hint, hint.)


  1. You look beautiful bathed in that golden glow Miss Millie!

  2. I actually envy you your weather, Millie. Yesterday in Sydney it was 98 degrees F and today it's going to be much the same. Even over night, it only got down to 77 degrees F.

    I bought you some more kangaroo treats several weeks ago, Millie - just haven't got around to mailing them. I'll do it soon - promise!

    Sydney, Australia

  3. millie....itz a snowin in de land oh trout az well N veree veree brisk....32 it waz on monday N it waz like a heet waves ~~~~~~~ ♥♥♥

  4. Our temp was about -3C today and yesterday we got 20cm of snow!
    Trust us Millie, it is nicer indoors.
    WE did not get on our porch either.
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  5. Yeah, cold and snow here too.

  6. That is cold no matter where you live!

  7. Kangaroo treats........Hmmmm! I hope Megan doesn't them amongst her Christmas gifts for me - not quite my thing, I don't think.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  8. Such a purrty picture, of such a purrty girl! Happy winter ... happy Christmas to you both.
