Saturday, December 17, 2016


This is what it looked like on Saturday morning.

Mom did what Mom does on a cold day like this. Bake. She made biscotti, pizza dough and three loaves of her special bread. She also made two batches of cookie dough to bake tomorrow and a gigantic pot of soup.

And guess what else she did?
She took a quilt outside in the snow and took pictures of it. 

Me? I napped in my new Holiday tent.


  1. Not only in your new tent, but on your new cushion cover - yaaaay.

    The snow looks lovely. As does your mom's cooking.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. We like your holiday tent Millie :)
    We got that snow too,now it is raining :/
    Your mum was really busy.
    Our mum had her nose in a book.
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  3. Your mom's baking looks divine and we love your new holiday tent Millie - stay warm. Warm purrs from Moses and Felix in South Africa

  4. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Hey Millie!
    I need a tent like that for Peaches. Where did mom get it?

  5. We have no snow, but the temps have dropped from 73 to 23 since 1 pm. The wind is howling and that makes the wind chill 1. WE are staying in and under covers! Love the new tent and it's bright red cushion!

  6. Busy day! I love days like that.

  7. Millie you've got so much snow and we hope you son't get any more. Your Mom took a quilt outside in all that snow to take pictures of it!! You are much better off being staying warm inside in your tent.

  8. Baking, a good way to get the kitch-hen nice and toasty.

  9. Wow! What a gorgeous quilt! Love the colors.
    You look great in your new digs with the bright red cushion.
    Your Mom's baking is a work of art. Bet it's delish!
    Stay warm!
    Angel Normie, Angel Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

  10. That look so yummy!!! Your mom is so good on baking. Love all the pictures she took especially you in your new beautiful tent. Keep enjoying it:)

  11. Glad you like your new tent miss m. It looks crazy cold in your neck of the woods. We hope you girls are keeping cozy and warm.

    Julie and poppyq

  12. Wow, that is some cooking yer Mom did! TBT is happy to just make bread. Although he IS planning on a pizza tomorrow...
