Wednesday, August 31, 2016

To the City of Angels

Here I am. 
Waiting to get on a jet plane to go visit the newest member of our family, Little Miss. I can't wait. 

OK. I have to wait an hour before we can even get on the plane. 

Guess it's time for a nap. 


  1. Missing you already Millie. I understood why you needed to get on a plane, but ... I do hope you can come back to Australia.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Safe travels, Millie!

  3. Take care both of you and we hope you have a safe journey home.

  4. millie ☺☺ we hope ewe N mom haza awesum time anda safe trip ther... home... & everee wear in bee tween...hugs two little miss frum all oh uz ♥♥♥

  5. Oh boy!
    This is gonna be great!
    A little nap is probably good as there will be lots of excitement when you get to
    see Little Miss :)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  6. Have a great time with the newest member of your family, Millie. Be gentle with her, won't you?

    Noela Sydney Australia

  7. Naps are good after and before long flights...

  8. Dats a long flight from Sydney to LAX, you will need lots of sleeps to get there.
