Friday, August 19, 2016

Helping Out in Oz

It's isn't all just fun and games here in Oz. Here I am helping with the laundry, although if Mom did this in winter in New Hampster we'd have frozen towels.

Still no news on the Baby front. NATURALLY I will let you know as soon as it happens.


  1. Thank you for helping me with the laundry, Millie. I appreciated it. Are you any good with a vacuum cleaner by any chance?

    Sydney, Australia

    1. Oh hell no. The rug sucking monster and I are most definitely NOT friends.

  2. Our neighbor uses a clothes dryer like the one you're helping with, Millie - although for the life of me I don't understand why they take clean wet clothes outside so they can collect untold amounts of pollen while they dry.

  3. I guess you have to earn your keep, Milie. When you're finished at Megan's house, you can come over here. There's plenty here for you occupy yourself.

  4. I can't remember the last time I used a clothes line.

  5. I wonder if you would be able to help with cleaning windows, PLEASE? It would be so nice to have you work with me, as we tackle them together. Afterwards I would reward you with your favourite treats. Does that sound inviting? I think Megan must be making such a fuss over you, that none of the rest of us will get a look in.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  6. If we tried that here at anny time of year, the Evil Skwerls would probly steal them!
