Tuesday, June 07, 2016

The Squad is Coming

Yup. Mom called some guys called The Mosquito Squad and they are coming to spray our property with stuff to kill mosquitoes and ticks. Mom says I can't be out on the porch when they come, so I'm confined to the inside, but it's nice to know Mom won't have to worry about getting Lyme Disease again this year.

I'm fine, I just haven't been posing for pictures. Mom has been finishing up quilts and cleaning the house. And she has been reading. She just finished Before The Fall and now she is reading The Fireman. She loved Before The Fall but thinks The Fireman needed a good editor.


  1. I hope those fellows in that special squad get rid of all the nasties, Millie. We can't have your Mom getting sick again.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  2. We hope those men in the special squad get rid of the mozzies and ticks and any other nasty things.

  3. Stay safe, Millie.

    Did you enjoy the French Open? Are you ready for Wimbledon?

    Sydney, Australia

  4. HeBean just spread this year's first layer of diatomaceous earth all over the yards. The ticks love the sticky little beans, and especially SweetBean, and it seems to be keeping them away. (It dries out their shells.) MomBean says to tell the bug guys to spread some around your lawn.


  5. millie...yea de lyme dizzeeaze can take a hike N knot come bak ta chex wear itz been...glad yur mom had yur yard sprayed....ewe will bee abe bull ta go bak out soon ♥♥♥☺☺☺

  6. Stay far away from those sprayers!!!

    The Florida Furkids
