Monday, June 27, 2016


WOW! Time flies.

TEN years ago. Count 'em. TEN!

TEN years ago I was hit by a car and left for dead in the middle of a busy street in New Haven Connecticat.

TEN years ago, my leg was broken in two places and my leg was dislocated at the hip.

TEN years ago, Malcolm rescued me, and then hundreds of cat lovers around the world helped with green papers to pay the very big bill and put me back together.

Lookit those stitches.

I am still here. I can run and jump and do whatever I want, thanks in no small way to the cat lovers who helped save my life.

TEN years ago I could have gone to the Rainbow Bridge, but I am still here, enjoying the simple pleasure of being alive.

It has been TEN years, but I have not forgotten those of you who helped save my life.

THANK YOU, once again, from the bottom of my little furry heart.

You can read more here:


  1. Millie, you are one lucky kitty. Happy Rescue-versary.

  2. I think you have repaid all those beans who donated green papers by writing a whimsical and inspiring blog for almost all of those 10 years, Millie. You've created a lot of happiness around the world.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. Happy Rescue-versary to you, Miss Millie!! And a thanks from me to all those who helped save you!

  4. We remember and were there to help. Wow 10 years Miss Millie ten years that is amazing. We sure are glad you're still here and doing so well.

  5. Happy Anniversary Millie! You found the purrfect furever home with Lynne. This week we celebrate rescuing a pretty little tortie girl named Peaches. I hope you two will meet someday!

  6. Wow! I can't believe it's been 10 years already! I've been following your blog and your mom's blog for 9.8 years and it just doesn't seem that long. I remember you trying to make friends with Jasmine and Gizzy and what a wonderful comfort you were to your mom when they went to the Rainbow Bridge. You kind of saved each other, don't you think? Happy save-a-versary!!

  7. millie...high paws two all yur palz who helped ewe out, thatz total lee total lee awesum !!! we iz all buzzed happee yur doin sew well
    two day...♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ we will go reed yur storee ~~~~~~

  8. Who can believe it is 10 years? Thank goodness for good generous people helping out. We are glad that you were given a chance at living the good life Miss M.

  9. Gosh, I wasn't even borned yet. But Derby filled me in on your rescue. Happy Day that you are still here and enjoying life.

  10. I think it is so awesome Millie - you were one of the VERY first cats to show that the power of the internet and social media can save lives! And look at where we are today, and where you are. I love it!

  11. I can't believe this was 10 years ago Millie - thank goodness Malcolm saved you and everyone helped to get you put back together.
