Friday, May 13, 2016

Mom's Shade Garden

Mom is furry excited about her shade garden on the side of the house. Everything is coming up and it is looking good. It will take another year for the plants to fill out to their full size, and she is enjoying watching it.

Me, I like watching the Cardinals (noisy red birds) while I sit on the front porch.


  1. We are admiring the row of bricks bordering the plants until they grow well!

  2. Thank you for showing us this garden. I had been concerned that nothing would survive the winter, even though it was only a mild one, so it's terrific to see that things are 'bouncing' back.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. It's looking really good, Millie. By the end of summer, it should look terrific.

  4. I Like watching birds, too, MIllie.

    I have some rainbow lorikeets who visit me twice daily, and although small, can make a lot of noise, which only stops when I go to talk to them and give them some sunflower seeds.
    You would guess, by their name, that they really are very colourful.

    Noela Sydney Australia

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