Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Tuxie Tuesday

We woke up to snow yesterday morning.

There wasn't a lot of it. Maybe three or four inches, but Mom said it was like everybody forgot how to drive in it. There were lots of crashes and fender benders. Mom heard on the radio that one of the state's big snowplows (imagine a gigantic dump truck with a snowplow on the front) was seen on its side by the road. I'm sure glad I wasn't around when that happened. It stopped snowing about mid-morning, and Mom said the sun was out by mid-afternoon.

When Mom got home from her day-hunting gig, she took this picture so you could see how fast the snow melted.

Yup, that's weather in New Hampster for you.

Happy Anniversary Mim-may and Pip-pay. What is it, twenty-nine years? Concatulations!


  1. It sounds as though took a long nap and slept right through the entire snow event. Well done!

    Sydney, Australia

  2. It seems as though you have had a very different winter this year - it must make it much easier for everyone.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  3. You did the best thing by sleeping through the snow flakes Millie.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  4. millie....soundz like de weatherz heer in de land oh trout....de driverz two...... !! ♥♥♥

  5. We may get some white stuff again, tomorrow night into Thursday.
