Monday, February 29, 2016

Millie Does Math

I  did Math with the kids. Can you see the math tiger next to me?

Math is cool, and Mom says math is important.

I had more fun playing in the box of blocks. 

I met the therapy dog, Elliot. Elliot doesn't usually like stuffed animals. (He's a woofie, that's why he doesn't know any better.) But Elliot couldn't stop kissing me, he liked me so much. Mrs B said I was lucky, and special.


I know I'm lucky, and I know I'm special, but jeez louize, I can live without being kissed (over and over again) by a woofie.


Hey Eliot, go kiss the kids.



  1. Good to see you concentrating on your maths, Millie. You never know when it might come in handy.

    As for that woofie, I'm going to be tough on you here. You have brought this on yourself. Absolutely. Just go back and look at your blog post for February 14: it's a silhouette of a woofie kissing a pusscat. Now Elliot might be a bit thick (well, he is a woofie, after all): he can't read but he can certainly understand pictures. Your blog post communicated to him that you liked being kissed by woofies. He is only trying to be friendly and obliging. I suggest that you cease and desist from publishing all and any indications that you are fond of woofies. That way no one is going to get the wrong message.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. You almost scared us there. We thought those papers were tax forms...

  3. Hah! If you come visit me, Millie, my woofie would kiss you over and over and over. He just loves to give kisses.

  4. Looks like you had a good time Millie, well, until the licking started ;)
    Bet math is important in quilting ;)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ
