Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Getting Ready for Christymas...

As you can see Mom switched the table quilt from the Turkey Day one to the Christymas one. You can see our Santa, and this year's Amaryllis plant. That box over at the other end of the table contains some Christymas presents for the family that Mom had specially made. More on that later. Lots later, because Mom doesn't want to spoil the surprise.

What's on the computer? Something really special...

It's this year's Jacquie Lawson advent calendar. You can get more information here. Mom loves these, and has been getting them every year for a while now. This year she gave them to all her day hunting pals. Every day there is a surprise and something to do. Mom and I already decorated the big tree and made snowflakes.

Our tree isn't up yet, but Mom says it's coming.

Right now it's in the bathtub. Yeah, I don't get it either, but hey, I'm only a cat.  How are you getting ready for Christymas?


  1. YOu're spending a lot of time up on that table Millie. What's the attraction?

    Sydney, Australia

  2. millie....yur quilt for Christmas iz awesum two....just like de one for thanx bee giving day.....ewe due total lee grate werk on them !!!♥♥
