Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Tuxie Tuesday

Mom has been having trouble with her gmail account on her new iphone. She doesn't get her mail as easily as she used to and it doesn't seem to like sending photos. It works better when Mom tries it on the ipad, but Mom says it is a PITA.

At any rate, I am fine. It is colder out, and the leaves have fallen from the trees, so they are nekkid. Mom filled eleven big lawn and leaf bags full of leaves on Saturday and she still has to blow them out of the front yard. Her shoulder and arm are a bit sore from lugging the big leaf blower around.  So when she got home from day hunting yesterday, she sat down and read a book.  The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry.

Mom said it was delightful.


  1. Millie, it really IS a PITA when our technology rebels. I read The Storied Life a short while ago and also found it quite delightful.

  2. millie

    de food serviss gurl heer in trout towne iza PITA....well, most lee, knot when we get dinner tho ~~~~~then sheez oh kay !!!!!!!!! ♥♥♥

  3. Well, I hope you sat near the windows and snoopervised your mom closely while she worked in the yard over the weekend, Millie. It's important to QA every household task, not just your mom's quilts.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Oh don't throw the leaves away! The trees drop them to fade into the ground and feed the roots the next year. They are recycling their nutrients. TBT mows them several times ubtil they just dissappear into shreds around the trees. Even the grass loves the shredded leafs.
