Sunday, November 22, 2015

Lead Up to Turkey Day

Mom has been food hunting. She brought home bags of potatoes, carrots, oranges, parsnips, sweet potatoes, apples and lemons.

She went to three different food stores. She bought wine, cheese, crackers and homemade sausage at one store.

She bought fresh horseradish, fresh herbs and two kinds of small onions at another store. She went to the liquor store. She went to the home stuff store for tiny glasses.

 Mom has also been washing stuff.  She took all the serving dishes out, and put them all through a trip in the dishwasher.

The glasses also made a trip through the dishwasher.  (So did the quilt on the table, too, even though I had worked so hard to cover it with my furs.)

The serving utensils have been located, and washed and set aside.

The big pots (one for potatoes on the left, the one for the big bird is on the right) have come out of the shed, and been washed and are ready to go.

Stock (for gravy) has been made.

Homemade bread has been baked.

Recipes have been printed.

The buffet layout has been determined.

I have been very busy snoopervising. It's a tough job, but I've been keeping up.

I do need an occasional nap to keep up my strength.


  1. Looks like your Mom is very organized!
    Not like our Mom ;)
    Too bad she washed the tablecloth after you put your furs on it.
    Maybe she is too organized ;)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  2. Wow, Millie, I'm worn out just reading about all the things your mom has done. It sounds like it will be a wonderful day.

  3. Where's the turkey? Gotta have that bird!

  4. Hang on - how are you supposed to take a baff with all that stuff on the table? I mean, really! And how on earth are you going to get furs all over that tablecloth before Thursday - looks to me like you might have to knock things off the table and on to the floor. Good luck with that.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. Impurressive. Mom likes the way your Mom gets the serving pieces out and labels them....great idea!

    The Florida Furkids

  6. I bet that is going to be an awesome spread! Your human is so organized!

  7. Wow Lynne - we admire your organisation. We always wing it at that kind of do.

    Glad to see Miss M is helping out too.

  8. Wowsa Millie, your Mom is really prepared. We'll bet it's going to be a feast fit for a king or a cat, that is.
    Angel Normie, Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

  9. Millie, I need to tell you that all table supervision will soon be stopped suddenly, when those plates get filled. Love your igloo, is it store bought or did you have it made specially?

    1. Nancy, mom made my tent from a pattern she got at s sewing store many years ago. She thinks she might have it but is pretty sure if you search my blog for "tent" you will find the pattern number and manufacturer.

  10. Can we come visit? We think we are just getting a chicken...

  11. MomBean says she's going to your house.
