Saturday, October 10, 2015

Sunny Saturday

Mom just got this quilt back from being quilted. It looked great before, and it's even better now. I am performing my usual QA check.

It's sunny and lovely out today, but since it's only 53F, Mom won't open the door to the front porch. She says those days are mostly over.

So I will keep napping on the quilt.

 Or not.


  1. I hope you're leaving lots of your furs on that new quilt, Millie.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. I think your Mom is very kind to allow you on her new quilt, Millie.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  3. Mum says Sunday will be an open window day here. Likely last of the year. It was warm enough that mum could work outside without her jacket.
