Friday, October 30, 2015

Formerly Feral Friday

Sometimes I have to resort to drastic measures to get Mom's attention. Last night she came home from day hunting almost two hours LATE.  She had been shopping. She bought shoes and pants and a red leather jacket.

Then she stayed up late watching my pals, the guys named Pat, wallop the Fins. And she channel surfed to watch Project Runway at the same time. I was practically ignored.

So this morning I let Mom know how I felt by taking a bath on the dining room table. A kitty [me] can get away with this if it was a feral. Otherwise I suppose it shows bad manners.

And this is about as close as I am going to get, displaying my 'tocks in Tocktober.

Happy Friday, pals!


  1. Great tocks! Sorry your Mom was ignoring you- and it was National Cat Day-shame on her.

  2. You human neglected you on National Cat Day, Millie? The NERVE!

  3. millie....hay, itz still a grate tockz tober shot tho....N two hours late meenz yur mom owes ewe two poundz oh fresh lee cooked perch.....its de law ~~~

    heerz two a driftwood catfish kinda week oh end !! ♥♥♥

  4. Well - it worked! You certainly got your mom's attention. LOL

    Sydney, Australia

  5. Woohoo Millie, Way to close out TockTober with a special shot of your tocks!

  6. And she wouldnt let you wear the Red Leather Jacket???
