Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Whatzit Wednesday

Mom has been so bizzy this week she hasn't taken any pictures of me.

 OK, I guess I was wrong.

She put the brick edging around her shade garden, washed half the windows in the house, and weeded this raised garden bed. It was ALL weeds. She says the evil Lymes really slowed her down this summer.

I have had it good though, I've been getting lots of treats and scritches and I have been sleeping on the big bed right next to Mom. It's pretty nice.


  1. Millie, I think the evil Lymes just slowed your mom down to a NORMAL pace. :D

  2. millie...momz garden iz shapin up reel lee nice lee.....♥♥♥

  3. I dunno Millie - your mom seems to have forgotten that when she's on staycation, one of her major priorities is meant to be taking photos of you!

    Sydney, Australia

  4. We all missed you, Millie, but we understand!

    However - your Mom being so busy, somehow means that you are getting more attention!

    Noela Sydney Australia

  5. Your mum is bizzy on her staycation.
