Friday, September 18, 2015

Friday Follies

Mom saw this pig on a leash at the health food store. She thought it was funny. Mom says pigs are very smart and very clean. In that way they are like cats. However, I would never allow myself to be put on a leash. I have a bit more self-respect.

These gigantic birds are not hawks. They are turkey buzzards and they eat dead stuff. It was hot, and one of them was cooling himself off by extending his wings. Mom says they have been flying around the neighborhood a lot lately. I am very happy to be an indoor kitty.


  1. Pigs can't be that smart if they allow themselves to treated like that, Millie.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. I think being on a leash is fun, and I get to go places! But then, I don't think about things like self-respect much. ;-)

  3. I think you are very wise to stay inside, Millie - some strange critters out there!

    Noela Sydney Australia

  4. Yeah, I am glad to be inside when I see hawks and such. I don't want to be someones lunch.
