Sunday, August 30, 2015

Silly Mom Sunday

Mim-may called Mom and asked if she wanted to go shopping at Macy's. Mom said she didn't need anything, but she'd go anyway.

When Mom came back she had one white blouse, two bracelets, five tops, and six pairs of underwear.

I don't get it either.

Have I told you lately how glad I am a cat?


  1. Well, like you, Millie , my mind boggles, - I wonder what your Mom would have purchased if she had "needed" anything. Good luck to her, anyway. I am sure her outing with Mim-may was fun, anyway ( did she mention the coffee and croissants?)

    Noela Sydney Australia

  2. You are such a beautiful cat that you don't ever need any adornments!

    Debby in Prescott Valley, Arizona

  3. Mum hates shopping. Won't go with someone else and only goes when she really needs something.

  4. Humans always find something when they go shopping.

    The Florida Furkids

  5. I'm not much of a shopper myself, Millie, so I can understand why your mom's behavior seems odd. I think you just have to accep that it's one of those bein things.

    Sydney, Ausstralia

  6. That's just humans for you Millie.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
