Saturday, August 01, 2015

Road Trip Day One

So yesterday Mom packed the car, and fixed me a special seat.

We picked up Mim-may and got in the car and drove.

We drove through Ver-mont. I have never been to Ver-mont. Ver-mont is pretty.

Then we drove to Noo York. I got a big welcome in Noo York.

After another couple of hours driving (Noo York is a big state), we got to the hotel.

 We brought our stuff to our room. Whoa. Lookit this nice big bed.

Then we went to the Oncenter, where the big quilt show was being held. I do not know why I am wearing a button that says "I am AQS" when my name is Millie.

The first thing we had to do was find Mom's quilt. Found it!

Then we had to find Julie's quilt.  Found that too!

Then we had to buy show pins for Mom, Julie and Chris. We got to the show late, and Mim-may was tired, so we went back to the hotel to rest before dinner.

Mom ordered a French Martini to drink with dinner. It was quite nice (hic).

Then it was back to the hotel room for an early night, because we have a very big day on Saturday, and we all needed our rest.

More later! I am having fun in Sirra-cuze Noo York.


  1. It's all go go go for you, mom and Mim-may, isn't it? I loved the welcoming committee in Noo York. Have fun!

    Sydney, Australia

  2. What a day - I wonder what mischief you three ladies will get into?........or is it a case of what happens on holidays, stays on holidays?

    Noela Sydney Australia

  3. Looks like a very busy fun day you had with the ladies Miss M.

  4. Don't drink too much and get legless Millie.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  5. We can see that you are having a fun time :)
    Smart to rest up for a busy day.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  6. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for finding my quilt and sharing your photo with See Rock City!! What a fun day you had. Here's to day two!

  7. THat looks like a fun trip. Apparently AQS is not big in Texas because I had never heard of it!

  8. Oooo la la, French martini's. Glad you had a good trip, but the picture of you and your mum in front of her quilt, you are looking down!

  9. Its good ta see you traveled in yer safety cat-seat, Millie!
