Wednesday, August 05, 2015

My 9th Gotcha-versary!

Wow! Time flies when you're having fun.  Today is my 9th Gotcha-versary.  Happy Me!

I got a Mom, a house, a front porch, two kitty condos, all the stinky goodness, crunchies and 'Nip I could ever ask for, a water fountain, furriends all over the world, and most of all, a safe Home.

What more could a Cat want?

If you're reading this today, thank you. If you contributed to my bionic leg, thank you. If you are Malcolm in Maine, or Max in California, thank you.


  1. Happy gotchaversary Miss M. You are the reason we started blogging - so we thank you. We are glad you found yourself a super mom to live with, even if you are trouble to catch, we know you have made her life special in so many ways.

    Julie and Poppy Q

  2. What a wonderful story you have to tell, Millie...........lovely Mom, home and friends.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  3. Happy gotchaversary, Millie. You are a lucky lady and, just think, you have 8 more lives to live.

  4. Concats on your 9th Gotchaversary Millie - we hope you have a great day with your wonderful Mom. We read about you on the internet and saw how many people worked hard to get your leg mended and to transport you to your new home with Mom Lynne.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  5. A wonderful wonderful life to celebrate, Millie. It's very generous of you to share it with all of us. Thank you.

    Sydney, Australia

  6. Glad for you having a safe harbor with such a loving Mom - stinky goodness, nip and two kitty condos, you are living the life of riley...

  7. Happy Gotcha Day- I am happy you have such a great loving forever home.

  8. Happy Gotcha Day Millie! We're so happy you were "gotchaed" and that you have such a lovely home and sweet Mom.
    Angel Normie, Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

  9. Happy Gotcha Day, Millie! We are so glad you were gotted into such a great forever home. :)

  10. Happy gotcha day, Millie! You have such an amazing story - one of the first internet cat rescues!

  11. Happy Gotcha Day, Millie! It doesn't seem like 9 years.

  12. millie; best fishes, mice creem dishes & happee gotcha day wishes two ewe....heerz two another 9 !!! hope yur day iz FUN, hope mom cooked a perch pizza, & heerz two a yeer a head filled with happee nezz & health

  13. Happy 9th Gotcha-versary Millie!
    Hard to believe it's been 9 years since Malcolm told us all about you,
    and then your mom adopting you.
    You've come a long way from those mean streets!
    Enjoy your better life.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  14. We wish you such a Happy Gotcha-Versary, Millie! May there be many many more!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Happy Gotchaversary Millie! You and your mom are an inspiration to kitties ad beans efurrywhere.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  17. Happy Gotcha Day Miss Millie. It was a good day for you and your mum.

  18. Happy Gotchaversary! We're so glad that you found such a great Mom and have such a good life.

    Enjoy your special day!

    Purrs to you,
    Charlemagne, Tamar and Mal

  19. OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH I can't believe it's been that long! I am still so, so grateful you for the forever home that you did and that Malcolm was a cool enough dood to not leave you there and to get you help. You were meant to be, for sure, and found your way to the person you were supposed to.


  20. My goodness, Millie. I can't believe it's been 9 years. I started following your blog shortly after you moved in with Gizzy and Jasmine. You are a lucky cat :) The most lucky thing, I think, is landing a forever home with a mom who understands you're a feral kitty. Not every mom would understand, you know? Happy Gotcha day, Millie.
