Sunday, July 05, 2015

What I Did Yesterday in Belfast Maine.

We went for a walk around the harbor.

 Kathy was worried about me falling into the water so she held on to me real tight. She said it was windy and she was concerned.  Sigh. I am a CAT. I mean, really?  Still, it was nice to know I was in good hands.
Well, maybe not. I'm not sure I want to try pole dancing again. 

That was exhausting. Even my tail was tired!!!!

I need a drink.  Wait, where's the booze? I think I need some... Waiter!

This is more like it. I like people watching, and waiting for the birds to come back to these spiffy houses.

You didn't think Mom and I would miss the local quilt shop, did you?

Pole dancing notwithstanding, Mom and I are having a good time.


  1. Pole dancing Millie? You're up for anything, aren't you? Good on ya!

    Sydney, Australia

  2. It really looks as though you are all enjoying yourselves, Millie.

    Take care, and look after Mom and her friend.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  3. We're so glad you and your Mom are having a great vacation in Maine. Looks like fun times.
    Angel Normie, Mika, Sasha & Grady

  4. Millie knows how to pole dance - who knew? You sure look like you are having lots of fun on your vacation with mom & her friend Kathy. Glad to see you did not forget to take in the local quilt shop. I don't know if Miranda the cat would appreciate being called a "geezer", but she sure was a pretty tabby girl. It looks like you & mom are having a fantastic holiday at the beach. Enjoy yourselves.

  5. What looks like you're really enjoying yourself!

    The Florida Furkids
