Saturday, June 27, 2015

My Rescue-versary

Mom often says how life is funny. Who in their right minds would celebrate the day they got hit by a car and left for dead in the middle of a busy street?

Um, well, if you get rescued, your leg gets fixed up, you make a squillion new friends, and get a furrever home in the end... Me!

I was a feral kit. I didn't even have a name, so they wrote "No Name Yet" on the bill. It was two pages long...

Mom was one of the many cat lovers who helped with green papers to pay this big bill to fix my "bionic leg."

Ugly, isn't it? It healed up great, and I can run and jump like any other cat.  Ask Mom, she can never catch me (heh!)

That was nine years ago.  I have a terrific furrever home, friends all over the world, and I am a Very Lucky Cat.

Who would have thought that the very worst day of my short life would turn out to be one of the best of what has become a long, full life.

Life is indeed funny. Mom says we should all keep our "I love yous" up to date.

Thank you, and I love you all.



  1. We are furry glad that horrible, no good, very bad day turned into a pawsome furever home for you.

    You is a furry special kitty Millie - we is glad we got to meet you.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  2. We really love your very bad day/awesome forever home story. And we are thankful that you have SUCH a good one!

  3. Happy Rescu-versary Millie! You are living proof that a "Bad" thing can sometimes turn out to be life-changing in the most positive way. Who would have thought that your terrible accident would bring you & your mom together 9 years ago. You were given a proper name that suited your personality & you will never be identified as having "No name" again.

    Your life just keeps improving every year since you were rescued & adopted. Now you live in a fabulous house with more windows than a cat can look out, 2 kitty condos, a porch where you can sniff the fresh air while being safe, you own millions of nip seeds and you get plenty of Feast to eat & a fountain of clean water to drink. Most important of all, you have a wonderful mom who loves & cares for you and you are loved by everyone who reads your blog. All this goes to show that we all have the ability to improve one another's lives through simple acts of kindness. You bring people a lot of happiness Millie & you are well loved.

  4. Your Mom is very wise with her words on love! Happy Rescu-versary, darling kitty cat!

  5. It was a terrible break miss my, one that might have resulted in losing a leg if you were a person. We are so glad that it resulted in you getting your perfect forever home with your mom.

    love Julie and poppyq

  6. Yours is a wonderful and inspiring story, Millie. And I love the fact that not only have you grown up to enjoy a wonderful life, but you and your mom have created so much joy for others through your blog. Thank you!

    Sydney, Australia

  7. I will never forget how you came to your forever home. I don't (and didn't) know Malcolm personally but I was amazed at how hard he worked to save you and then make sure you had a wonderful place to go. And I'll REALLY never forget how happy I was (and tons of others) that you got the mom you did. It doesn't seem like 9 years, though, and yet it feels like forever.

    I am freaking happy for you, always will be.

  8. And we all return that love to you as well,Millie - your story brings a tear to the eye, but it has a wonderful message in it.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  9. We love you Millie and come back every day to see how everything is going with you.

  10. Happy rescue-versary, Miss Millie!

  11. Happy Rescue Anniversary Day, Millie! You had quite a story, and it was one of the first ones on the internet.

  12. Happy Rescue-Versary Millie! We love your story and how you came to live with your Mom. We're happy things turned out so well for you dearest Millie.
    Angel Normie, Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

  13. What an ordeal- I am glad you got such a great forever home.

  14. XOXOXOXOX Millie!!

  15. Mum says she remembers. I am only 7 today, so I wasn't around. Angel Derby is likely remembering you today.

  16. The great life you have had since The Terrible Day has made it worthwhile to celebrate. So we celebrate it with you. You are one of our longest blogging friends (and actually for longer than we invidually have lived, so it is more that TBT knows you longest).

    So we are happy you are still here among us all in the Cat Blogosphere...

  17. Here's a belated happy rescue-versary wish, Millie. You are indeed a very lucky girl. I'm glad you have such a happy home.
