Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Where Am I Wednesday?

Can you see me?

Can you see me now?

I am on the porch on my new pink hammick. I like it better in the corner. I can see more stuff, so Mom moved it.

Where are you hiding out this Wednesday?


  1. I CAN see you, are looking a bit mournful there.

    But I am not hiding from you -I am just sitting here at my computer - can you see me???

    Noela Sydney Australia

  2. Hahahaha I am hiding in my picture too. Cept I am in the compost garden so I am sure you spot smells nicer than mine. We love your new garden and house, lots of lovely plants and plenty of space for your mum to grow lots of tomatoes and nip.

    Looks like you have an awesome porch Miss M. Do you have a cat door so you can go in and out when you want?

    Julie and Poppy Q

  3. How did you tell you mom that you'd like her to move the hammick? It would have been interesting to have eavesdropped on that discussion.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. You look very contented, Millie. Screened porches are the best for that 'outdoor' feel without all the pesky bugs. Do you watch the hummingbirds?

  5. I totally saw you in the first photo, Millie! But then, I'm a kitty and my eyes are really good!

  6. millie...yur porch N yur garden !!!!! way total lee kewl...we bet ewe haza grate time out ther....just due knot listen ta burd song......ore ewe will wanna go bak in.... ♥♥

  7. We saw you Millie! You are practically in the bushes with the birdies! How exciting!
