Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Two Terrific Tuesday

Oh. My. Bast. Mom came home with a box last night.

It was from my old friend, Dorfington Fish Stanley, of Forty Paws, in TexCats.

In the box, was not one, but TWO Cat Hammicks! (You can get yours here.) Mom got me a PINK one for the front porch,

 and a black one for, well, um, for just because.

The box had 'Nip in it, and it was all over the hammicks, and I confess I lost my composure for about forty two thousand six hundred fifty three seconds.

But it was worth it.

Thank you Dofington Fish Stanley and Maw. I really love my new cat hammicks.


  1. Dearie dearie dearie. Those nip photos are always a bit embarrassing, aren't they? Pleased that you like your hammicks.

    Perhaps your mom might consider moving one of the cat condos out to the porch?

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Move over, MIllie - although on second thoughts, there probably wouldn't be QUITE enough room for the both of us.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  3. They hammicks look very comfy Millie and we hope you have sweet dreams.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  4. We totally love the little black and white kitties.
    Lovely places for lots of kitty naps!

  5. millie...dorf makes de BEST hammicks like ever......we loves R'z & we noe ewe R gonna loves yurz az well, N itz oh kay ta looze compozure even if itz wuz for forty two thousand six hundred N fifty seven seconds !! ♥♥♥

  6. Very neat Millie, you can be comfy while you watch outside.

  7. We knew it was a hammick in the 2nd pic, but we dint guess it was TWO!
