Sunday, May 31, 2015

Easy Like Sunday Morning

It rained last night, and will be cooler and rainy today. Mom opened the front porch for me, and I have been sitting on the porch checking everything out.

Mom spent a lot of yesterday in the garden, planting more stuff. She says the shade garden is all planted. She put some of her "extra" plants in pots to decorate the entrance to the yard. Watching her sweat makes me glad I'm a cat.


  1. Yeah, sweating is fer Beins. Panting is better. And not too much of THAT either.

  2. Ooh, I love your windows! You can see everything at ground level! Happy porch hanging out!

  3. You has the most amazing views Millie. Your mom bean must have had you in mind when she bought that house.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  4. Another busy day snoopervising your mom, Millie. It's never ending, isn't it?

    Sydney, Australia

  5. Mum pulled weeds today. Such exciting lives that our mum's lead.

  6. Hearing, just hearing, about your Mom's effort in the garden, makes me feel tired - VERY tired!
    Good on her.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  7. we have had a lot of rain here. it has been cooler.
