Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Tuxie Tuesday

It's raining out. Mom says it will rain most of the week. I think we should send the rain to sunny Catifornia. They need it a lot more than we do.


  1. Well, Millie, the rain is needed to wash away the very last of the snow for this winter so that you and your mom can get stuck into spring. It won't last long and then the sun will be back. Here in Sydney, we've had more than 6in of rain in the past two days, with more expected tomorrow.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Great idea Millie! Send it here. We could really use it.
    Drought stricken in California.
    Angel Normie, Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

  3. My human TOTALLY wishes you could send the rain out here! She is starting to feel guilty every time she turns on a faucet.

  4. We've been getting rain and we're not even in our rainy season.

    The Florida Furkids

  5. Rain, rain go away..........we have had enough in our part of the world to do us for quite some time.
    Megan and I both happen to live on blocks of land with lots and lots and lots of very big trees - and with the rain we have had very strong winds. Has been rather frightening at times.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  6. We had rain AND snow today. Ick.
