Saturday, April 18, 2015

Sunny Saturday

Julie, and my pals the Meezers, I am sorry. There is still snow that we can see, so you have not won the When When Contest.

The pile of snow in the neighbor's yard is very small, but it is still there.

Mom came home last night and found THREE boxes of plants left by Mr Brown. She was furry excited, and will be planting them later.

 I shall be napping wherever I want.


  1. That's okay, Millie! Even tho we did not win, it's still fun to guesstimate when the snow will FINally be gone! Thanks for offering the contest--and have a great nap! Julie and Piper, the mastiff

  2. Were there any catnip or even cat grass plants in those boxes? No? You may as well have a nap, then, Millie.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. Your Mom certainly loves the garden, doesn't she, Millie? You just keep yourself busy watching her while she works.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  4. Ooh, it is getting closer to US, we feel a win coming on... So ecited. Breath, breath, breath...

  5. Those are nice looking plants and will look good around your home :)
    Enjoy your snooze Millie!
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ
