Saturday, April 25, 2015

Saturday Caturday

Just keeping an eye on the goings on outside. Bird, sqwirl, chipmunk and woofie TV. Life is good.


  1. So mahy channels, now, Millie. Wonderful.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Such a beautiful photo of you sweet Millie!

  3. Sounds like there is a lot of good things to watch in your hood Millie. We do not get the chipmunk channel on our critter TV, but we occasionally we get the little red fox channel. Maybe our mom should upgrade our channels so we could see chipmunks too.

    We have some exciting things to watch at oue place. A pair of mourning doves has moved into our cat condo on our covered deck. Mom says they are not very smart burds to lay their eggs where kittys live. We are not allowed outside while those burds are livin' in our condo. We think that is not fair since it is a cat condo, not a bird highrise & we fear they will leave permanent burd stink our tower. Mom says it is too late to chase them away'cuz the eggs are already laid & babies will be hatchin' any time now. We are plotting a hunting excursion, but mom is pretty good about keeping the slidey door closed tight. At least we can watch the burds through the window behind the couch. Have a great Caturday Millie & mom Lynn.

  4. Even from that particular view of you, Millie, one can see that you are happy and contented. So glad that you say life is good.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  5. When TV is good it makes for an interesting day :)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ
