Sunday, February 01, 2015

Super Sunday???

Super # 1: Today is the Men's final of the tennis in Oz. Mom and I are rooting the the Scot, Andy Murray, although I do not know we will get up super early to watch it live. We would have to get up at 3 AM our time, and that's probably not gonna happen.

Super # 2: We are supposed to get another whopper of a snowstorm tonight into Monday.

Super # 3: My pals, the guys named Pat, are in the Super Bowl tonight. I have all my paws crossed they will win. Mom has seen them win three times. We both want a fourth. I'm so nervous I can hardly watch.

Super # 4: It doesn't look like any cheating was involved in the story of the deflated footballs. I think that guy named Good-something owes my pals an apology, big time. Dunno if we'll ever get it.

Super # 5: Megan, when Mom and I look out the front window, we are facing due East. That big snow pile at the end of the driveway is almost 36" tall. It will take a long time to melt.


  1. Tennis in Oz - I'm sorry, Mille and mom. I'm not a fan of Andy Murray. I would have liked to have seen Roger in the final again.

    The Guys named Pat - Best wishes for a victory.

    Snow - thanks. I'll add that information to my computer model and it will be taken into consideration when the time comes for lodging my entry.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. I am not all that interested in the tennis , Millie but I probably will watch part, if not all of it ,tonight. I, too, would have liked to see Roger through to the final - he is very popular in Australia.

    I will need to brush up on my science before I can take part in the When When contest this year. Remember that everything is back to front and upside down for us - or should I say for you!

    Noela Sydney Australia

  3. We wanted Andy to win the tennis today but he didn't do so well.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  4. We purr you have a super Sunday doing whatever pleases you!
    Mom said we are getting that same storm :/
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  5. Enjoy your sunday Millie!

  6. Since our team isn't playing, we are not all that interested in watching. Mum plans to watch her normal PBS Sunday stuff and just check in on the score between shows.
