Friday, February 27, 2015

Finally Friday

 February is almost over (finally.) 
Lookit the snow outside Mom's studio.  That's almost as much snow as Mom is tall (which is about 60 inches.)

I can't wait for the snow to go away.  Mom says the high temperatures next week will be above freezing. Whee! 


  1. Temperatures above freezing - what will your Mum do to when she doesn't have to keep digging?
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. Perhaps your mom should take to wearing high-heeled shoes, Millie!

    Sydney, Australia

  3. We don't have that much snow, but we sure would like warmer weather.

  4. Millie. above freezing will probably feel like a tropical heat wave after your subzero temps.. It may be premature for getting out your bikini, but at least the thermometer is moving in the right direction. Here in Portland it was sunny & 60 degrees today. The cherry trees are covered with pink blossoms. A pair of mourning doves made a nest in one of mom's hanging baskets on our deck. 3 of their eggs hatched a few days ago, so we have been busy watching all the activity. It makes for exciting Burd TV.
    Stay warm & enjoy your weekend Millie. Spring will be coming to New Hampster soon.

  5. Last day of summer ( officially) for us here in Down Under but we can still expect some very warm days.

    I think I would prefer our climate.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  6. It will melt, eventually.
