Thursday, January 29, 2015

True Friends Thursday

Lookit what I got!

Look what the man in the bloo shorts brought for ME!!

I got a letter in the mail!

It was from my friend Julie, who lives in Tennis-ee.  She sent me another package of 'Nip!!!

 Julie is one of my very best friends.

I love Julie!


  1. And it's no wonder you love her - she's always thinking of your needs, especially your little luxuries like catnip. Three cheers for Julie I say.

    Sydney, Australia

    PS. Although it's too cold to plant the seeds in the garden, I wonder whether your mom could start them in little pots indoors, so by the time the warmer weather arrives, they're already well on their way - meaning, fresh catnip that much sooner.

  2. What a lovely friend Julie is, Millie.

    I tam sure all little girls - oops pussy cats - love receiving letters addressed to them and delivered by the man in blue.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  3. Wasn't that nice of Julie in Tennis-C to want to make sure you got some nip seed after mom forgot to order them. Luckily, she redeemed herself by placing an order just for you. Now you have enough seeds to plant at least an acre of lovely nip plants. Enough for you & all the kitties who follow your blog too. You can never have enough nip seeds we are thinking. If you keep the seeds in a cool dark place, they usually keep for several years, so you have enough seeds to last all of your 9 lives Millie. Love that Cars stamp on the envelope. I thought it was Spitty in his Fur-rar-e at first (MOL). You are very lucky to have such a thoughtful furrend. Was the man in bloo really wearing shorts in the cold & snow? If he was, I wonder of he had been chewing on a nip nana while he delivered mail today.

  4. Good for you, Millie, and good for your friend Julie. I know that just made your day. :D

  5. Tennis-see or C ... (Giggle)

    now I shall have to think twice before I fill out paperwork (giggle)

  6. Wow Millie we bet that's great nip.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
