Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Not Wordless Wednesday

Mom was sitting on the couch reading when she felt it shake. She thought it was the heater and was surprised.  But when she got up she saw me napping there. She took a picture but it is a bit fuzzy because she didn't want the flashy thing to shine in my eyes.

It is so cold out today that Mom closed the doors to the sewing studio. Because of all the windows it is colder out there than in the rest of the house.


  1. Air here feels like 19 with a -2 expected overnight -

    You 2 be careful because you are much colder there!!

  2. Keep warm Millie and Mom.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. Every time my human wishes she could move back east, posts like yours give her second thoughts! Stay warm!

  4. Perhaps you could have wrapped yourself around your mom's shoulders and helped keep both of your a bit warmer!

    Sydney, Australia

  5. Millie, it's really cold here, too. My mom doesn't want to do anything 'cept curl up on the sofa with a comforter and me. She said she'd need a 'lectric blanket if she didn't have me.
    Jack, The Wheaten Terrier

  6. Looks like a good cosy spot on the couch Miss M. You girls stay cosy and warm.

  7. Maybe one of your famous tents is needed for this cold spell, Millie.
    You and Mom stay warm!

  8. One to two more days of really cold stuff, then back to normal cold stuff.

  9. Goodness, gracious me, Millie - you certainly have a variety of places on which you can nap - most hoomans only have their bed, and maybe a couch or easy chair -not all those spots that you have!

    Noela Sydney Australia
