Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Almost Wordless Wednesday

So here I am on the kitty condo in the office at the front of the house.  From here I can watch the neighbors walk by with their woofies. 

Or not.

Mom's getting ready for Turkey day tomorrow. She has a cake of cheese in the hot-as-hell box and she has already cooked a dozen eggs. I have decided I do NOT want turkey and only want BEEF.

Thankfully my Mom understands me and will oblige.

We are supposed to get SNOW later today and tonight. I will show you pictures of what it looks like when it happens.


  1. That is such a great condo, Millie. I love the way the house is up high.

    Our snow is already falling here. Maybe about 1/2 inch has accumulated so far.

    Stay warm and Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. I can't wait to see the snow at your new place, Millie - I bet it is extra pretty!

  3. But Millie - we can't see the top platform - is that toy woofie still there or not?

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Happy Beef Day to you! If it snows, that is when the real start of the when-when contest starts.

  5. I hope you get your beef, I am sure mom will understand.

  6. Happy Thanksgiving Millie (and mom). Enjoy your beef!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  7. Our mom had a cake of chesse in our hot as hell box today too Millie. We cats cannot imagine disliking turkey bird. We look forward to this day all year. Turkey even trumphs chick-hen in our opinion. If you persist in this "beef only" mood, you may have to remind you mom so we suggest meowing "Where's the beef"? at dinnertime tomorrow. MOL! We think we saw some live dead shrimp in our cold box. Now
    We bet your mom cannot wait to see Mr. Karate & Rubylocks. We hope you & mom Lynn have a most wonderful Thanksgiving Millie. Lots of company means lots of extra scritches & pets. The most impawtant thing about Thanksgiving is to being together & being thankful for family, our moms & the best forever homes in the world.
