Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Tuxie Tuesday

I have been sleeping right next to Mom, ON her bed every night since we moved in. (OK, not the FIRST night. I was so freaked out I slept UTB instead of OTB.) I have been having good times. I have been playing with toys and getting treats and finding all kinds of spiffy places to nap. Mom has seen me on BOTH my kitty condos, and I have used both litterboxes.  I know how to get around and have found all kinds of fun hiding places.

I am glad the M-word is all done.


  1. Sounds like you are adjusting GREAT to yer M-O-V-E. Millie! So where is the new When When picture going to be?

  2. Yaaaay you. I feel that you might consider setting up a Help Desk so that other pusscats who are facing the Big M can consult you on coping mechanisms, tricks to ensure a steady stream of treats throughout, and how to avoid being Trank-well-eyezed.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. You do look very happy, Millie!

  4. I think your Mom deserves a very BIG pat on the back ( or maybe a BIG hug from you) - she has coped with this move very well.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  5. We are happy you are settling into your new home :)
    You do look happy.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  6. Wow Miss M - we are so proud of you, you seems to be settling in so well and we love that you are sleeping close to mum.

    Pops spent a week under the bed!!

    Julie and poppy Q

  7. We are so happy that you have settled well in your new home and you are sleeping well OTB Milly.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  8. Oh Millie, we love your Mom's room. It is so colorful. We love the quilts especially the one you're on. Glad you are settled in and happy.
    Angel Normie, Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

  9. You look so comfy and at home, Millie! We are very happy for you both!
    Mommy loves your quilt. You look so pretty on it! Well, not that you aren't pretty any way, but you know what I mean, right? You add beauty TO the quilt!

  10. Well aren't you a lucky kitty Millie - you have settled in really well - you look lovely on the bed (for a kitty)btw.

  11. Glad you are settling in so nicely. We haven't ever moved, but mum has. She doesn't even want to think about the M word any time soon.
