Friday, October 31, 2014

Finally Friday

Mom has finished setting up the living room.  She says it's "perfect." 

I have lots of places to nap, there are lots of sunpuddles and I can watch bird TV from any of the four windows in the room.

So I have to agree with Mom. I think the room is "purrfect."

Mom has only one room left to fix up, and she'll do that over the weekend.

Naturally I will snoopervise. In the meantime, I need to nap.

ps. Happy Halloween if you're into that kind of thing. Me, I don't "do" costumes.


  1. It looks like a large room Millie, with loads of places to sit and to hide and to jump out and grab people as they walk past!

    Sydney, Australia

  2. That looks a great room to spend lots of time in Millie so you can tell your Mom all the gossip when she comes home from work.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. Well done to your Mom.........she works hard, and gets great results.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  4. Have fun with 'bird TV' - bet you are looking forward to spring for window wiffing!

    All the best for a fun weekend to all of you!!

    For those reading this, check out my cat blog for archived stories about the abandoned/feral cat colony I manage and some informative posts for cat

  5. Oh, Millie! That looks like a very comfy living room! Your mom did a very good job!
    Your living room is almost the size of our entire apartment! Lucky, lucky you!
