Thursday, September 18, 2014

Truther Thursday

Oh my Bast! The wall of boxes gets bigger every day.  This is what it looked like about ten days ago.

and this is what the same corner looks like today.

Here is the other side...

Do not bother trying to find me in these photos. I am very well hidden. (Heh. Mom doesn't know it, but I am under one of the new chairs in the living room.)

Mom had a long fevver duster on a stick that was resting on the top of a box. I was playing with it, and now it has fallen behind the stack where Mom can't reach it. Oh well. (Double Heh.)

I am practicing being a Pirate, climbing on the stack of boxes, protecting my turf. Pirate Day is tomorrow.  Arrrr!

Ayla, Iza and Marley, "TOL" means "Top Of Load." It's for extra fragile stuff that has to be on the top of any stack.


  1. You should do the helpful thing, then, Millie and pull that fevver duster out from behind the boxes. Your mom might even give you extra treats.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Oh boy Millie, my bruvers Oliver and Arthur would be having a great kittie time on top of those boxes - careful you don't get packed hehe

  3. Your mom has been a real busy gal, she's really getting it done! Be sure you don't end up in one of those boxes...!

  4. Not long to go now, Millie..........promise to be a good girl !

    Noela Sydney Australia
